Monday, October 5, 2015

Decorating With Sticks

Decorating with sticks...
isn't that a weird title?

Other titles in the running were...

Nature at it's best.
Decorating with branches.
Simple Autumn decor.

But, decorating with sticks won!

Have you looked at a bare branch or stick lately?
They are full of such character...

Each branch and twig are different...

A little nub here.
A crooked twist there.

I put a few branches in two old crocks that I have.
I love the height that they add to the mantel.

Paired with a couple ceramic pumpkins...
I am loving my simple rustic mantel for the cooler months of Fall.
Eventually the twigs on the mantel will mimic the trees outside.

I like the simplicity of the branches tucked into a vintage blue mason jar, but
when paired with colorful ceramic pumpkins and gourds inside an old Coke crate...
it takes on a totally different look and feel.  

So, tell you like to use sticks in your decor?

Sharing at:


  1. Thank you Sandra for your kind words. How neat that you found an old crock buried. I purchased mine at a yard sale years ago...

  2. Oh my goodness I thought I was the only one. Your displays are so pretty! I'm looking for a sewing cabinet like yours this year. I've seen where they use them for vanities!

    1. Ha Ha...nothing like having a stick decorating buddy!
      Using an old sewing machine as a vanity is a great idea.

  3. Twigs and sticks are a way to enjoy the simplicity of nature any time of year.
    I love your sewing cabinet too!!

  4. I love adding a touch of nature in the seasonal decor. Lovely Lori!

  5. I am liking this look! Especially love the frugal part! Thank you for sharing this week on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :)


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