Tuesday, July 12, 2016

We Are Building A Deck (Part 1)

We are finally getting around to building our back deck.

Four years ago when we were building our home, the deck is something that we decided to not do at the time.  The money (and time) was used for other things in the home and on our homestead.

Over the years, it was two things that never seemed to line up for us to do this DIY project...


One or the other (and sometimes both) seemed to be an issue.  Well...we are diving into it!  
We are building a deck.

Now I know what you're probably thinking...
the bird bath on top of the aerator system and the dog box look just fine right?  ;-) Ha!

The plan (which is in our heads) has been discussed and decided...

The deck will measure 25 feet wide by 22 feet deep.
(No more looking at that ugly aerator system - we will be building up as close to it as possible.)

It will be a two level deck.
The top section will be 10' x 25'.  The lower level will measure 12' x 25'.  
It will have two sets of steps off the lower level.  

Hubby is designing a pergola which will not only be beautiful, but will help two fold...it will help shade the deck, and cut down on the sun that blinds us inside at supper time.

The work has begun...

The tool box and tent have been set up in the work area.

The lumber has been delivered.

The siding and steps have been removed.
The ledger board has been put on the house.
The area has been squared and marked.
The first post has been set.

This project, as most around here, is going to be a DIY.

We (and when I say we, you know I mainly mean Handy Hubby) will be working on this in our spare time. 
What??  We have spare time?!?!

I'm already arranging furniture in my head to maximize our view of the chickens/garden area and of the creek/wooded area.

I hope you follow along and enjoy the adventure.

Sharing at:


  1. Oh, I'll be watching! How fantastic to have a hubby who is not only able, but willing to complete such a project! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Daisy! He has been a carpenter since he was knee high, and he truly enjoys it (most of the time).

  2. Wow, it looks like its going to be a lovely, large deck, perfect for entertaining. I'm excited to see your photos when it's completed. My best to you, Pat xx

    1. Thanks Pat! It will be nice to have an area in the back of the house to relax and entertain.

  3. This sounds wonderful--can't wait to see pictures as it progresses and of the finished deck.

    1. Thanks Vikki. I will be posting pictures as we go...here and on Instagram.

  4. Its going to be roomy. Your going to love it. I'll be watching for the updates.

    1. We've been dreaming and discussing for a while...we're excited!

  5. I am interested to see how it progresses! I am having a deck built this summer also.
    :) gwingal

    1. Thanks Nikki! How exciting that you are deck building also...fun times ;-)


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