Why wait to plant seeds outside? You can start sunflower seeds today, right inside your home.
Tall, beautiful sunflowers are a welcome sight around my chicken coop and run.
The sunflowers add a burst of color to our landscape and some needed shade for my ladies.
Although sunflowers grow fairly quickly, I just don't want to wait. So, I got a head start this year, and you can too!
Read How To Start Sunflower Seeds In Eggshells and the best time to start seeds indoors here. It is my recent article for Community Chickens.
Read How To Start Sunflower Seeds In Eggshells and the best time to start seeds indoors here. It is my recent article for Community Chickens.
No expensive pots or lights are needed!
And please, gain some knowledge from my past failure. I certainly have.
Happy Spring Planting!