Raising Chickens

Chickens are the first livestock animals that we added to LL Farm.

Our flock consists of a variety of breeds that provide us with fresh eggs daily!
We have a plan in place for flock rotation every two - three years.

We built our own chicken coop and have a fenced in chicken yard for them to enjoy, yet stay safe from predators.

I am proud to write about our chickens for a website called Community Chickens.
It is a website by Mother Earth News and Grit magazines, full of information from other chicken keepers also.

Please click on a post below to read about our adventures in raising chickens and things that we have learned (and are learning).

baby chicks
A Guide To Getting Started With Chickens
Raising Baby Chicks In A Brooder
Blue Eggs from Easter Egger Chickens

Put Your Chickens To Work

Every Flock Needs A Super Star

Keeping Chickens Cool In The Heat Of Summer

Why Chickens Molt in the Fall Time

Feeding Egg Shells To Your Chickens

Chicken Terminology
wood and wood ash
Benefits of Using Wood Ash Around Chickens

chickens with old watering can
Summer Egg Production (or lack there of)

Chicken Keeping Through The Winter (the natural way)

hanging brocolli
Winter Fun For Chickens

a frozen egg
How To Keep Eggs From Freezing In The Coop
Preventing and Treating Frostbite

A Home Grown Turkey For Christmas Dinner(and the hard way we got there)

Betty is full of spunk
A Chicken Full of Spunk

new flock protected inside crate
Introducing New Chickens To An Existing Flock

Why Do Chickens Dust Bathe?

Baby Chickens and Pumpkins

White Rock 4 weeks old (marked and risezed)
Juvenile Molting in Chickens

stories from the good 'ol days
Stories From The Good 'Ole Days (Told While Butchering Chickens)
clean coop
Deep Cleaning The Coop

eggs in a bowl
How To Clean and Store Farm Fresh Eggs

Blood Spots in Eggs  (What Is It and Is It Safe To Eat?)

Ms. Broody Gets a Time Out

Fences Make The Best Neighbors (for chickens)

A Bully in the Chicken Coop and What We Did

pasty butt
Pasty What?!?!

Baby Chick Photo Shoot

More Baby Chick Photos and How I Photographed Them

A Week by Week Plan For Raising Baby Chicks

DIY Brooder

DIY Chicken Coop Made From Re-Purposed Materials

Planning a Garden For You and Your Chickens

8 Tips For Keeping Chickens Safe From Predators

Flock Rotation

Keeping Chickens Through The Winter

Our First Flock of Chickens
How To Start Seeds In Eggshells
7 Tips To Stop An Egg Eating Chicken


  1. Excellent site. As we always say " We love our poultry and are passionate about them"! Continue the GREAT work.
    Barry & Helen Koch
    Twilight Meadows Farms
    Flint TX


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